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  • Writer's picturePhysiosforME

#weareundefeatable update: First success for our team

We wanted to share some positive news regarding our recent meeting with the We Are Undefeatable campaign team

A few weeks ago we expressed our concerns about the #WeAreUndefeatable campaign led by 15 partner charities and supported by Sport England, which aims to inspire and support people living with long term conditions to be active, in whatever way works for them. Whilst as physiotherapists we completely support the message that activity and exercise is beneficial for a range of long term health conditions, we were concerned that there was a very real risk this message would be transposed onto people with ME who have been shown to have an adverse physiological response to activity.

We contacted the campaign to outline our concerns and were swiftly invited to meet with the team, including representatives from the charities including Age UK and Sport England. They were very receptive to our concerns and as a result of our involvement they have:

- Reviewed their marketing materials and made tweaks where possible, e.g. to say “most” rather than “all and an ‘About the campaign’ section will be added to the website which highlights the health conditions which the campaign charity partners represent.

- Shared our initial email with key partners including Public Health England who are also supporting the campaign.

- Been proactive in researching the research around ME and physical activity to further their own knowledge base.

- Are keen to work with us and ME charities to provide signposting to people with ME or professionals working with this group, so that accurate information can be obtained.

In all we felt it was a positive outcome, and while the campaign remains active we hope that these small changes and the improved education of the campaign leaders will go some way to reducing the risk of harm towards people with ME.

We hope to continue to work with the #WeAreUndefeatable team going forwards

First published on social media on 26 September 2019

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