The British Association for CFS/ME (BACME) have published a position paper on the management of ME.
BACME is “a multidisciplinary organisation for UK professionals who are involved in the delivery of clinically effective services for patients with ME/CFS.”
Physios for ME strive to retain autonomy and are therefore not a member of BACME.
A number of ME charities have already published their response to this position paper, including the ME Association and Action for ME.
We are encouraged by BACME now stating they do not support the deconditioning model of ME.
We would have liked to see referenced materials linked to the position paper, in particular to the statement; “evolving evidence to indicate a dysregulation of multiple dynamic physiological systems.” Linked research studies would help physiotherapists and other health professionals to explore these areas in more depth.
We would also like to see more information regarding the statement; “BACME believes that patients should have access to the best available clinically effective treatments.” We would have liked to have seen the evidence that BACME are using with regards to clinically effective treatments for people with ME.
Physios for ME are stakeholders in the NICE guideline review for ME/CFS and we expect the draft guidelines to be produced very soon. We will endeavour to share our opinions on these guidelines once we have had time to review them.
Physios for ME's main aim continues to be to educate physiotherapists and start conversation to stimulate new ideas in line with a biomedical approach so we can improve physiotherapy treatment for people with ME.